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Next Level Birding in Hunterdon (Sierra Club Presentation) In-Person
Local Birder Ken Endersen will share some general tips and tricks to finding birds and attracting them to your feeders, how to join some of Hunterdon’s Bird Walks, and will talk about some of Hunterdon’s most common bird species and it’s best birding locations.
Ken Endersen is a local birder who has seen 277 species of birds in Hunterdon County. He participates in multiple bird counts, including the Hunterdon and Morris Christmas Bird Counts, and the Annual World Series of Birding (Warren County). Ken is also an avid world birder who recently volunteered his time in the Peruvian Amazon, performing bird counts and acoustic recording of lesser known species there.
A meet & Greet will precede each talk. Hunterdon Warren of the Sierra Club meetings at NCB are open to all, so feel free to sign up or drop in! Refreshments will be available.
Registration has closed.
Event Organizer
Dana Neubauer